
Somalia Govt vows action after deadly attack on telco workers

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The government said the brutal assault was against the principles of Islam and basic human values.

The Somalia Government has condemned the violent attack executed by extremist factions that tragically ended the lives of six Hormuud Telecom employees on Sunday afternoon.

The incident has sparked outrage prompting renewed commitment from the authorities to combat the threats posed by such radical groups.

Following the incident, the Somali government reiterated its resolve to dismantle the extremist networks.

"We urge our esteemed citizens to actively support government efforts. Combating this scourge is imperative for our collective security and is the only path forward to restore peace,"  the spokesperson said, emphasising the role of community cooperation.

In a statement, the government said the brutal assault was against the principles of Islam and basic human values.

"This was a targeted attack on a vehicle owned by Hormuud Telecom. It tragically resulted in the loss of six valuable lives and is a clear indication of the barbaric nature of the Khawarij who are driven by a nefarious agenda against innocent civilians," the statement read.

The government said the attack exposed the broader risk the extremists pose to key economic players and the general populace of Somalia.

"Our entrepreneurs, who play a pivotal role in the stability and economic health of our nation, are under threat. This heinous act is a reflection of the deep-seated enmity that the Khawarij hold against the Somali people, intending to completely destroy the fabric of our society," the government spokesperson Farhan Jimale elaborated.

The government at the same time also conveyed deep sympathy to those directly impacted by the attack.

"The government extends its heartfelt condolences to the management and workers of Hormuud Telecom, the grieving families and friends of those who were lost, and all Somalis who suffer due to such senseless acts of violence," the spokesperson stated.

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